one time
英 [ˈwʌn taɪm]
美 [ˈwʌn taɪm]
- on one occasion
- once I ran into her
- This is useful when editing and visualizing the structure of the information all at one time.
当您在编辑并同时查看信息的结构时,这一点就十分有用了。 - All of them were French possessions at one time or another.
它们都曾是法国的领地。 - At one time the schools were mainly attached to the church.
这些学校曾一度归教会主管。 - Only one reader and one writer can actually use the channel at any one time.
在指定时间只有一个阅读器和一个写入器在实际使用通道。 - They may not remember that at one time their infrastructure was new and replaced some other set of tools.
他们可能没有记住,他们的基础结构曾经也是新的,并且取代了其它一些工具。 - There is this one time that she was not replying on my texts for2 days.
有一次,她有两天都没有回复我的邮件。 - This application, like many other location-aware applications, only needs to get the location one time.
本应用程序和其他位置感知应用程序一样,只要一次获得位置。 - This is a slight modification to the traditional meaning of the extends relationship, which is necessary because long-running processes break the usual "one actor, one place, one time" rule.
这对extends关系的传统含义进行了一些修改,因为长时间运行的流程打破了通常的“一个参与者、一个地方、一个时间”规则,因此非常有必要进行修改。 - At one time, high-grade cosmetics were the popular items on the market.
高档化妆品在市场上一度很抢手。 - It would have been better to have thinned the trees over several winters rather than all at one time